
Credit Education

Does Being Denied a Credit Card Equate to Credit Damage?

The question of credit damages is one that expert witnesses struggle with on a dailybasis. And, the question about “does denial equal damage” is simply one of the cornerstone issues that credit experts face when doing expert witness related work.  Does the denial of something as trivial as a credit card account mean you’ve sufferedcredit

Does Being Denied a Credit Card Equate to Credit Damage? Read More »

Does Opting Out Improve Your Credit Scores?

It’s one of the more obscure FICO scoring myths floating around the Internet. Doeschoosing to opt out of preapproved credit card offers improve your credit scores, or not?And if not, then why not? First things first, what’s “opting out?” Opting out, which can be done for free atwww.optoutprescreen.com, removes your name from any list sold

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Why Are Credit Card Interest Rates Still Rising?

According to a survey released in October 2011 by CreditCards.com the average creditcard interest rate is now close to 15 percent. This is up roughly 1 full percentage pointfrom the average interest rate on new credit card accounts from the same period inOctober 2011. The question is, why are interest rates continuing to increase on

Why Are Credit Card Interest Rates Still Rising? Read More »

Credit Reports and Employment

Section 604 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows employers to pull credit reports forthe purposes of pre-employment and continued employment screening. The practice,while widely criticized by consumer advocates, is still very popular with some 60 percentof employers either pulling credit reports for all of their applicants or at least some ofthem, this according to

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