

Customers Can Check Status 24/7 Online

Now your customers can log in and have access to audit credit repair status, notes, dispute history, attachments, agreements, and more. No more phone calls asking “what have you deleted,” your customers can log in and have real-time access to status.

Your clients and affiliate see ONLY your company info, NO DisputeSuite information is displayed ANYWHERE on this site. Clients and affiliates will be impressed with the state of the art technology investment that appears to be your creation!!

Easy to understand charts and graphs

If you are tired of getting phone calls asking “What have you deleted again?” and “How many items are you working on?” then you will quickly realize the time saving value of the customer portal. The portal details your customer’s status in several formats.

The summary page has multiple combinations of charts and graphs to illustrate the information that has been entered into DisputeSuite’s credit repair software.

The customer has various options for viewing credit report and dispute status. The data is in an easy to understand format.

Complete Private Label Solution

It’s easy to add your own logo, information, and color scheme to the portal so that it looks like your website when your customers log in. It’s quick to do and there’s no extra cost. The portal does not have DisputeSuite branding, so your customers will never have a clue you are using DisputeSuite.

Credit repair agreements signed electronically

The sales cycle in the credit repair industry has proven to be time consuming and consistently has high fallout percentages. With the added tool of electronic signatures to the customer portal, signing contracts and delivering required disclosures becomes an effortless task.

From the Admin section of DisputeSuite, your company administrator can easily copy and paste their existing contracts, CROA disclosure, power of attorney and any other necessary disclosures into a section Your customers can easily sign the agreement through the portal.

Engage your customers in the process

Customers are notorious for not following through as they need to and changing their intentions. With DisputeSuite’s portal, customers will instantly be engaged in the process of their credit restoration. Customer will have an easy to use interface to get their questions answered at the times that they want them answered.

When customers regularly interact, they are more likely to be successful in their efforts. Happy customers send lots of referrals!!

Customers Can Check Status 24/7 Online

Customers communicate with you through an interactive notes system. The notes system keeps track of all notes back and forth and notifies each party through email when they have a note to read. Unlike traditional email, the notes system is a secure method for transmitting information back and forth, and it’s centralized so everyone in your company can read and write correspondence.

File attachments back and forth

Getting documents to and from customers securely is a key feature of the portal. Global and individual attachments will quickly become commonplace in your business. Customers can upload a copy of their credit report, dispute updates, and any other document that they see fit. No more mailing or faxing.

You can also upload attachments for individual customers. You may also set it up so all customers get a copy of the attachment, perfect for contract, brochures, CROA Disclosure, referral coupon, etc.

Spanish credit repair software

The Spanish speaking population is growing at a pace that is barely measurable in the U.S. We realize the importance of catering to your individual clients needs, that is why we created the first online spanish credit repair software. Affiliates and clients can interact in their native tongue. Attract more business by offering your clients and affiliates access to the web based credit repair portal in English and in Spanish.

More customer portal features

Lower customer service costs

Reduce customer calls. Customers no longer have to call and ask "What are you working on?”


When a customer uploads new attachment or writes a note you will be alerted in DisputeSuite

Safe & Secure

The portal uses firewall protection, detection systems, hacker monitoring, and SSL encryption

Nothing to download or install

The portal is web-based, so your customers do not have to download or install anything. All they need is internet access and a web-browser

Credit Education center

The credit education empowers customers with easy to access credit information and articles