Supercharge Your Sales with Affiliates
Affiliates are the lifeblood of a successful credit repair business. Affiliates can include mortgage brokers, car dealers, realtors, cellular stores, financial planners, attorneys, and more. With DisputeSuite, managing and tracking affiliates is an easy task.
Affiliate management
Manage an unlimited number of affiliates and referral partners. The affiliate management system will allow you to track affiliates and referral partners for sending you business. Manage affiliates in one place, just as you would manage your customers or leads.
The view page gives you a bird’s eye view of all your affiliates. Under each affiliate you can easily see all the customers that affiliate referred.
Help your referral partners with marketing
When adding an affiliate you can add a photo and logo for the affiliate. Then, when any customer referred by that affiliate logs into the customer portal they will be reminded of the affiliate that sent them to get their credit restored! This powerful marketing tool allows you to showcase your referral partners directly on the main page where clients login to check their status. This unique feature will set you apart from your competition and make you the credit repair company of choice. Referral partners will be more confident to send clients your way if they know that you will be showcasing them.
Unlimited Affiliate Landing Pages
Empower your affiliates with the ability to send leads to you directly from the web. YOU are in complete control, either give the affiliate simple code to add to their site, or instantly create a web page for the affiliate with a click of a button. The pages can be completely customized with the affiliate’s photo, logo and contact information. .

More affiliate management tools
Upload attachments under the contact such as 1099 stubs, agreements, photo ID and more
Upload notes under the contact such as contracts, credit reports, dispute letters, and more
Central View
Your entire company will have a 360-degree view of each of your affiliates and leads
2-tier affiliate relationships
The 2-tier affiliate system allows you to create parent/child relationships for affiliates
Affiliate Access
Through the affiliate portal, affiliates can login, send new customers, see updated statuses of leads & clients and even see the updated credit scores of the converted customers!
Have full security over all of your affiliates so they can submit your leads but one affiliate can not view the leads of another affiliate.