
Credit Education

Do FICO® Scores Confuse HELOCs with Credit Cards?

Credit card utilization, aka “revolving utilization”, is one of the most predictive, andtherefore valuable, measurements in the FICO credit scoring system. In fact, it’s a majorcomponent of FICO’s “Debt Usage” category of characteristics, which is worth 30% ofthe points in your FICO score. The higher your utilization, the ratio of balances to creditlimits, the lower […]

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Why Closing Credit Card Accounts is a Bad Idea

One of the great myths of credit scoring is that closing unused credit card accounts willhelp to improve your scores. The assumption is that having too many unused creditcards hurts your credit scores. And, while that might make common sense, the oppositeis actually what’s true. Having many unused credit cards actually helps your scoresquite a

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FICO 101, Basic Credit Scoring Questions

Our FICO credit scores are calculated over 10 billion times each year and used forlending and insurance decisions. In fact, except when you’re applying for a job, it’sdifficult to NOT have important decisions influenced by our FICO scores. In this articleI’m going to answer some very basic questions about the ubiquitous FICO score. Why does

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How Does Information Make it to My Credit Files?

We’ve all requested and reviewed our credit reports and we’re all generally familiarwith what type of information is contained. But, have you ever given any thought asto how that information gets on your credit files? There are three primary sections ofinformation on your credit reports; personal information, public records and accountinformation (collections and credit accounts).

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