It’s that time of the year again. The old is slowly, but surely, fading into the new. For many, it’s an important time for change. We all make resolutions for the New Year, telling ourselves that we will be better and do better. We also end up trashing or forgetting about these resolutions no sooner than our party hangover wears off. But it doesn’t need to be this way?
If you want to stick with your resolutions and make 2016 the best year you’ve had, then we have something special for you. Three easy techniques can ensure success!
Can’t wait to find out what they are? Then read on…
A Lesson From Jennifer Bandier
She is the founder and driving force behind Bandier, a performance-apparel company that set up shop in 2014. A small-business owner by her own admission, Jennifer Bandier expects her company to rake in $20 Million in 2016. Yes, you read that correctly, $20 Million! A start-up company that can turn in the big bucks in just a couple of years qualifies as a success in our books! We tap into her insights on how she has managed to become so successful in such an incredibly short time.
Sticking To New Resolutions
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! To know the magic behind sticking to New Year Resolutions and bringing those big bucks your next business year. Having gleaned some expert knowledge and information from Jennifer, we wish to tell you there is no magic, just some really simple things anyone can (and should) do:
Prioritizing helps in de-cluttering your life (and work), enabling you to complete the tasks that are important against those which are not. Jennifer says, “As a small-business owner, there are so many tasks that need attention, which makes optimizing productivity especially important.” We suggest using a calendar or appointment book to organize and prioritize your tasks. DisputeSuite Software has a calendar tool that you can use to create appointments for yourself or assign to an employee.
Some of us have an OCD-complex when it comes to accomplishing tasks. This could turn into an obstacle, sucking out the motivation required to stick to our resolutions. Jennifer says, “When you have so many differentiated projects, it can be challenging to always stay focused…From day one, I hired a team of experts to help scale our brand so that I can stay focused on our larger expansion plans.” Are there tasks you could delegate or outsource to save you time and/or money? For example, did you know www.DisputeSuite.com can complete 100% fullfullment services for your business? All business owners know time is money – are you spending yours the best way?
Focus On Yourself
Your resolution may be to lose more weight or earn a better paying job, but it’s best to focus on your own strengths according to Jennifer, “Some entrepreneurs focus on the competition, which can also be distracting and can detract from productivity levels. It’s a much better use of time and focus to visualize results for your own brand.”
Make 2016 Your Own
Now that you have heard and read from a person who successfully manages her fast-growing startup, we know you can practice these three easy tips and succeed in the New Year!
Want to talk more about how DisputeSuite can help increase your business growth?
P.S. DisputeSuite provides a variety of solutions for your credit repair business. From engaging custom websites, to dispute processing services, to a robust CRM with automations and portals, DisputeSuite is a One-Stop Shop to making your Credit Repair Business A Success! Let’s chat today to discover the best plan for you: 727-877-6812 or support@disputesuite.com
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Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-a-small-business-owner-fights-distractions-2015-12