Many consumers are harassed by aggressive collection companies. In some cases these companies call daily, or even call the consumer many times during the day in an attempt to collect on a debt.
What most consumers don’t know is that they can easily stop these calls by sending the collector one simple letter.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act forbids a collection company from calling a consumer as long as the consumer has notified the company in writing to stop calling.
This means legally the consumer can stop those calls if they take the time to complete and send in one simple letter requesting that the calls stop.
The best letter to send to stop these calls is a Cease & Desist letter. A Cease & Desist letter simply notifies the collection company that the consumer is requesting that they immediately cease all calls to them.
Once this letter is received by the collection company, according to the FDCPA the company then must stop the phone calls.
By helping consumers understand their rights under the FDCPA you are providing a real value service. And you can help give clients peace of mind as they discover they can easily stop those harassing phone calls quickly.
Insure you talk with customers about the power of a Cease & Desist letter to stop collection calls.
You might even want to prepare a letter they can use for this purpose, but BE CAREFUL that if you do this you also let them know that you are not an attorney and that they might want to consult with an attorney for even more information.
P.S. DisputeSuite provides a variety of solutions for your credit repair business. From engaging custom websites, to dispute processing services, to a robust CRM with automations and portals, DisputeSuite is a One-Stop Shop to making your Credit Repair Business A Success!
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