Within a couple of weeks of mailing out dispute letters, it is very common for clients to receive back correspondence from the credit bureaus relating to their disputes.
In many cases this correspondence isn’t the results of their disputes, but other letters from the bureaus that reference things like requesting client identification or to alert clients that some type of possible “fraud” is occurring due to their disputes.
These letters are commonly called “stall tactics” in the credit dispute industry because, they are only intended to frustrate and confuse the consumer and stall the dispute process.
It’s important that you educate your clients about stall tactic letters. Tell them to expect the letters once they enroll with you. Let clients know the bureaus will send letters stating they don’t have their ID, even when you have sent in the ID on behalf of your customer.
Let them know the bureaus will send other letters talking about possible “fraud” occurring or “suspicious activity” on their credit report. And let them know the bureaus are only sending them these letters to scare them.
There really isn’t any suspicious activity, the client is just executing their legal right to challenge inaccurate, unverifiable, and untimely accounts that shouldn’t be on the report.
And let your clients know they will receive other types of letters that are similar, in the fact they are intended to frustrate and confuse the customer.
Let them know this WILL happen, but not to worry. Just have them send you those letters, and you can then respond by sending the bureaus another letter stating that their letter is only a stall tactic, and they still must finish their investigation within 30 days from the date of receipt of the original dispute.
It’s even a great idea to collect these letters, white-out client names, and put them on your website to show customers and clients the types of letter the bureaus send.
Stall tactic letters aren’t scary for your client, IF you have clearly told the client they will come, and told them to send you the letters once they are received.
So educate your clients on stall tactic letters. And when you are sent a letter a client receives, mail a letter back to the bureau telling them that they still must finish their investigation within 30 days from the date of receipt of the original dispute.
P.S. DisputeSuite provides a variety of solutions for your credit repair business. From engaging custom websites, to dispute processing services, to a robust CRM with automations and portals, DisputeSuite is a One-Stop Shop to making your Credit Repair Business A Success!
Let’s chat today to discover the best plan for you: 727-877-6812 or support@disputesuite.com
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