
Helping Clients Place Fraud Alerts on Their Report

Filing a fraud alert is fast and easy to do.  Your clients can either call the credit bureaus or file a fraud alert online.  Below are the phone numbers and web addresses which a client will need to file their complaint.

The fraud alert will instantly be placed on their report once filed, whether the client is requesting the alert through phone or on the bureaus’ websites.  A statement will be added to their credit reports stating that they may be a victim of fraud and that creditors should take additional steps to protect the client’s identity before extending credit.

Here is the contact information needed to file a fraud alert.

EEquifax Fraud Department- 888-766-000

Web: https://www.alerts.equifax.com/AutoFraud_Online/jsp/fraudAlert.jsp

Experian Fraud Department- (888) EXPERIAN/ 888-397-3742

Web: www.experian.com/fraud

Trans Union Fraud Department- (800) 680-728

Web: www.transunion.com/corporate/personal/fraudIdentityTheft/fraudPrevention/fraudAlert.page  

When a request is submitted online, the web page will ask for some basic information on who the client is.  The form is pretty simple and easy to complete.  When a client calls in to request their alert they will also be asked similar questions.

Once the questions are complete a red flag will show on their report for this new fraud alert.  Any future creditor they then apply with will see this alert and request additional identification to issue credit.Fraud alerts are a great way to prevent identity theft.  They add another layer of protection to ensure your client’s credit profile is protected.  And these alerts are fast and easy to have placed on credit reports.

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